Since 2020, the year that our ordinary lives were lost so suddenly, I have almost stopped taking photographs. 
At the time, I vaguely wanted to go out somewhere and take photos, but the hesitation to get outside, the hassle of putting on the mask, and various other stresses made it hard. Eventually, although my desire to go shooting grew stronger in those days, the chances to touch my camera gradually decreased. 
Moreover, I did not feel like using "stay-home time" to select and edit past photos properly, and all I could do was lament the days when I couldn't go shooting and the situation that seemed to be getting worse. 
As two years of distancing myself from society and photography were about to pass, an incident occurred.

In October 2021, I had a car accident on my way home. 
The vast impact and intense pain I experienced at that moment made me feel as if the lower half of my body had been severed. The cracked windshield, the ejected airbags, and the heat and smoke that spread through the car, I can still remember those things so vividly. 
Someone there called an ambulance, and soon after, I was carried to a hospital, where I was admitted on the same day. The doctor's diagnosis was a fracture of the second lumbar vertebra, and he explained that it is called a high-energy trauma caused by quite a strong impact.
Nevertheless, the fracture did not require surgery, and there were no other injuries, so I could leave the hospital in about 10 days. When I later saw photos of the accident scene, I was amazed at how well I survived. 
Even more fortunately, no one was injured in the accident except me. If I had involved someone else, my future life would have been entirely different.

After being discharged from the hospital, my three-month home recuperation began with a custom-made corset. 
At first, I spent all day in bed, reading books and watching movies. Shortly after, as I was getting tired of such days, I took out my camera for the first time in a long time and kept it within easy reach of my bed. Since then, between reading and watching movies, I started taking photos of things around me that catch my eye.
The houseplants next to the TV, the view through the curtains, the sky changing with time—these familiar scenes seemed fresh and fascinating to the eyes, which had already become the fixed-point camera on the bed. I repeatedly took photos of the ever-changing scenes at home from sunrise to sunset. Since I had been away from the camera for so long, perhaps it was a kind of rehabilitation.

As a result, the unexpected car accident and long recuperation period triggered me to pick up my camera again.
"To take photos, you don't necessarily have to go out somewhere, and it is always up to you whether or not to aim the camera at the scene in front of you, no matter the circumstances."
 I realized this obvious truth again through the days I spent lying in bed all day. 
While I am thankful that I have no severe aftereffects at all and can live my life as before, I will continue to take photographs as long as I can hold a camera.





“ 写真を撮るためには、必ずしもどこかへ出掛けなければならないということはなく、どんな状況にあろうとも目の前の光景にカメラを向けられるかどうかは常に自分次第である。”
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